Stock Price Trends

Brinks Company (BCO)

The Brink's Company provides secure transportation, cash management, and other security-related services in North America, Latin America, Europe, and internationally. The company is headquartered in Richmond, Virginia.

Stock Price Trends

Stock price trends estimated using linear regression.

Key facts

  • The primary trend is increasing.
  • The growth rate of the primary trend is 38.19% per annum.
  • BCO price at the close of July 25, 2024 was $106.83 and was inside the primary price channel.
  • The secondary trend is increasing.
  • The growth rate of the secondary trend is 92.71% per annum.
  • BCO price at the close of July 25, 2024 was inside the secondary price channel.

Linear Regression Model

Model equation:
Yi = α + β × Xi + εi

Top border of price channel:
Exp(Yi) = Exp(a + b × Xi + 2 × s)

Bottom border of price channel:
Exp(Yi) = Exp(a + b × Xi – 2 × s)


i - observation number
Yi - natural logarithm of BCO price
Xi - time index, 1 day interval
σ - standard deviation of εi
a - estimator of α
b - estimator of β
s - estimator of σ
Exp() - calculates the exponent of e

Primary Trend

Start date: July 13, 2022
End date: July 25, 2024

a = 2.9687

b = 0.0009

s = 0.0545

Annual growth rate:

Exp(365 × b) – 1
= Exp(365 × 0.0009) – 1
= 38.19%

Price channel spread:

Exp(4 × s) – 1
= Exp(4 × 0.0545) – 1
= 24.34%

July 13, 2022 calculations

Top border of price channel:

= Exp(a + b × X746 + 2 × s)
= Exp(a + b × 1,083 + 2 × s)
= Exp(2.9687 + 0.0009 × 1,083 + 2 × 0.0545)
= Exp(4.0374)
= $56.68

Bottom border of price channel:

= Exp(a + b × X746 – 2 × s)
= Exp(a + b × 1,083 – 2 × s)
= Exp(2.9687 + 0.0009 × 1,083 – 2 × 0.0545)
= Exp(3.8195)
= $45.58

July 25, 2024 calculations

Top border of price channel:

= Exp(a + b × X1,257 + 2 × s)
= Exp(a + b × 1,826 + 2 × s)
= Exp(2.9687 + 0.0009 × 1,826 + 2 × 0.0545)
= Exp(4.6958)
= $109.49

Bottom border of price channel:

= Exp(a + b × X1,257 – 2 × s)
= Exp(a + b × 1,826 – 2 × s)
= Exp(2.9687 + 0.0009 × 1,826 – 2 × 0.0545)
= Exp(4.4780)
= $88.06


  • The primary trend is increasing.
  • The growth rate of the primary trend is 38.19% per annum.
  • BCO price at the close of July 25, 2024 was $106.83 and was inside the primary price channel.

Secondary Trend

Start date: January 31, 2024
End date: July 25, 2024

a = 1.3998

b = 0.0018

s = 0.0270

Annual growth rate:

Exp(365 × b) – 1
= Exp(365 × 0.0018) – 1
= 92.71%

Price channel spread:

Exp(4 × s) – 1
= Exp(4 × 0.0270) – 1
= 11.40%

January 31, 2024 calculations

Top border of price channel:

= Exp(a + b × X1,136 + 2 × s)
= Exp(a + b × 1,650 + 2 × s)
= Exp(1.3998 + 0.0018 × 1,650 + 2 × 0.0270)
= Exp(4.4193)
= $83.04

Bottom border of price channel:

= Exp(a + b × X1,136 – 2 × s)
= Exp(a + b × 1,650 – 2 × s)
= Exp(1.3998 + 0.0018 × 1,650 – 2 × 0.0270)
= Exp(4.3113)
= $74.54

July 25, 2024 calculations

Top border of price channel:

= Exp(a + b × X1,257 + 2 × s)
= Exp(a + b × 1,826 + 2 × s)
= Exp(1.3998 + 0.0018 × 1,826 + 2 × 0.0270)
= Exp(4.7356)
= $113.93

Bottom border of price channel:

= Exp(a + b × X1,257 – 2 × s)
= Exp(a + b × 1,826 – 2 × s)
= Exp(1.3998 + 0.0018 × 1,826 – 2 × 0.0270)
= Exp(4.6276)
= $102.27


  • The secondary trend is increasing.
  • The growth rate of the secondary trend is 92.71% per annum.
  • BCO price at the close of July 25, 2024 was inside the secondary price channel.